Construction Executive: Take an Integrated Approach for Better Results in Post-COVID-19 Senior Living Communities

Ryan Companies Senior Living
Mar 05, 2021
By Matt Sayre and Chris Teigen

Article Excerpt: 

As COVID-19 evolved in 2020, design and construction teams faced several challenges, and two in particular: how to create safe spaces and how to manage operations during a global pandemic. These obstacles were especially urgent for the senior living industry.

Navigating the senior housing process—from conception, through completion and to move in—requires a deep understanding of design, construction, finance and operations. Throw a global health crisis in the mix and managing with a holistic view becomes even more necessary for teams and stakeholders to work together toward protecting those who live and work in senior living communities.

As an integrated services provider specializing in senior living, Ryan Companies was able to identify key design-build considerations, along with asset management tools, to help senior housing operators and owners make informed decisions on how to address COVID concerns in their communities. The company commissioned deep, yet rapid, research to uncover challenges, opportunities and cost implications to support decision-making by financial partners and investors in the communities.

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