Honoring Our Veterans and Families

May 30, 2023

Our company has a strong history built on the backbone of hard-working teams—and many of those team members have served our country.

With appreciation, we are committed to continuing to show consistent support to those who have served and continue to serve, as well as come alongside their family members. Our support for veterans and their families is shown in numerous ways, woven into our culture of inclusion and appreciation.

From a career standpoint, we have specific hiring and employment targets that center around adding veterans to our team. We also show our support to veteran organizations—financially and through service—throughout the year. As part of our Emerging Business Inclusion (EBI) efforts to create access, reduce racial and gender disparities, and generate equitable outcomes, we intentionally partner with veteran-owned contractors on private work projects to show our support and provide opportunities.

As part of our company, our team members are also invited to join Shamrock6, our Employee Resource Group. The group’s mission is to empower and support our proud employee veterans and those in the military, as well as veterans within our community. Shamrock6 works together to create a military and veteran-friendly environment through shared experiences, recruitment, career development, retention, education and community outreach. Group members include current employees who have served or are actively serving, have friends or family in the military and any individual who wants to show their support for our veteran communities.

On May 23, we received recognition as an official Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BTYR) organization for our efforts in supporting the military community.  The process to become a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon organization is thorough and involves meeting specific requirements and criteria. Our Shamrock6 team worked diligently to check these pertinent and crucial boxes, including:

  • Establish and maintain a centralized steering committee within the organization which meets regularly and includes active representation from: an executive-level leadership sponsor; human resources and recruiting; internal communications; training and development; community and employee outreach; and other key departments needed to coordinate support efforts.
  • Develop, implement, and maintain an action plan which actively recruits and supports current service members, veterans and their families.
  • Participate as a committee in an annual review process and defined, sustainable, ongoing training and awareness programs.
  • Commit as an organization to supporting military employees through an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve statement of support.

As part of the process to receive this honor, our Shamrock6 group also created a specific action plan intended and prepared for duplication in our offices across the country. This action plan guides each office with objectives to highlight those who have served and continue to serve, which include:

  • Show viable support of service members, veterans and military families by all company leaders (e.g., participating in community involvement activities related to veteran and military support)
  • Participate in intentional hiring and recruiting efforts, including the training of our recruiters to read a military resume and understanding the specific benefits of hiring veterans
  • Create a best practice for managers to support service members, veterans and military families that is shared internally
  • Partner with Community BYTR

When one of our team members gets deployed, we also step in to ensure they feel valued, while their family—true unsung heroes—feel seen and supported. Those who are activated reservists over and above legal requirements receive full-time differential compensation for the duration of required training and/or active duty for up to a year. This means we voluntarily pay our employees who are performing active duty, allowing them to receive the wages they would have earned if they were employed as normal.

We also provide meals for family members, seasonal yard assistance, special birthday and holiday gifts and greetings, care packages and regular correspondence during their deployment.

It takes great sacrifice, honor and dedication to serve our country, and we are beyond grateful to our veterans and military members.

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Ryan Companies PR Dept.