Construction Tech Review: A Look At How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Our Construction Service

Mike Ernst, Ryan Companies
Jun 24, 2020
By Mike Ernst in Construction Tech Review

Article Excerpt:

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence (AI) is the wave of the future, transforming businesses like healthcare, banking, retail and transport. While the construction industry continues to drive economic growth, it is historically behind nearly from every other profession when it comes to adopting new technology. However, construction companies are now moving towards digital solutions to solve common project challenges and improve outcomes.

The construction industry is a complicated and multifaceted business with a lot of moving pieces. With the adoption of AI, construction companies can gather crucial project data that not only create efficiencies in project execution, but also helps in transforming working conditions for field employees. AI's capabilities in programming, language processing, and computer vision make a significant difference in allowing construction companies to take advantage of historical productivity and performance data to influence future projects.

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